Tag Archive: charles taylor

OHI clinic!

So on Wednesday we had our October half term ”Oral Health Instruction clinic” We had children of all ages come in and show us their pearly whites. The children loved working on their brushing technique with our giant size teeth & toothbrush! The clinic was developed to try and help our younger patients become enthused about maintaining good oral health by making...

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Mr & Mrs Wills

Saturday 23rd May 2015 marked a special day in The Treatment Centre family’s diary… as Anna Taylor & Tom Wills, after a year & a half of engagement tied the knot! Charles Taylor, Anna’s father, who only retired from The Treatment Centre last September had the fatherly duty of driving Anna to the wedding (in his own retirement present to himself his Morgan!)    ...

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OHI – Half term!

Our oral health sessions have started once again.. Charles & his nurses will  be hoping to teach children the importance of good oral hygiene by making it a relaxed child friendly dental visit. Each child gets a lucky dip from our prize box & a lovely goody bag which includes a brushing diary, dentist passport and of course stickers all to take home!! The...

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OHI – Oral health sessions!

So children’s dental health has been a hot topic in the news for months and unfortunately decay has been on the rise. Children at a young age are having teeth filled & even having to endure a general anaesthetic for multiple extractions. The Public Health England researchers checked the teeth of nearly 54,000 children at nurseries, children’s centres and playgroups....

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Charles Retirement Soiree

So Friday 12th September marked an afternoon of celebration for our friend & colleague Charles Taylor. We celebrated his many accolades including creating the revolutionary Ozone toothbrush and designing a state of the art forward thinking practice. There were lovely speeches from Charles who thanked all his nurses; one of which Liz Todman who has worked for him for over 20years, his...

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