Tag Archive: sugar

How much Sugar?

As a dental practice we are well aware of the hidden sugars in our diets but the majority of the general public are none the wiser, ignorance is bliss after all. Before I was aware of hidden sugars I would happily sip on Ribena throughout the day not knowing the effects it could have on my teeth.. after all it’s...

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One lump or two?

How many teas or coffees do you drink in a day? Do you take one lump or two? Sugar like anything can be fine in moderation but if you are consuming a sugary drink every few hours, the frequency of your sugar intake could be causing you tooth decay! Now we all know that sugar damages our teeth and most of us try...

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If I were Prime Minister?…

If I were Prime Minister is a series of celebrities/spokes people who have been asked to write a piece for The Independent, they have given their personal thoughts/views about what they would do for the country should they theoretically become Prime Minister. What they have been doing is 100 days, 100 contributors, but no politicians… interesting! What caught our eye was Jamie Oliver’s article… giving...

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