Tag Archive: baby

Meeting Albert!

So the lovely Nicky & her partner Simon came into the practice a couple of weeks ago with their beautiful little bundle Alby! It was so lovely to see Nicky & to get to meet the bump we witnessed grow during her pregnancy. We are very much looking forward to another visit to catch up with Nicky and to see how much...

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Congratulations to Nicky!!

As many of our patients may know Nicky who has been predominantly working on reception for a few months, was expecting a little baby… and we are happy to say that this weekend she gave birth to a healthy baby boy who has been named Albert, weighing 7lbs 11! We are very much looking forward to meeting little Albert and congratulating Nicky &...

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Pregnancy & Dentistry: What to know

During pregnancy, your teeth and gums can sometimes become quite sensitive & sometimes even bleed. This is because the hormonal changes to your body during pregnancy can make your teeth/gums more susceptible to plaque which in turn leads to inflammation. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy during pregnancy is very important and if you carry on your regular tooth brushing for...

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